Delivering a variety of training options

Why Choose Us

Family domestic and sexual violence is preventable, and training is an essential piece of the journey to a future free of violence. Stopping Family Violence trainers are driven by the mission that everyone has a right to live a life free from the fear or threat of violence. Stopping Family Violence (SFV) is the peak body for perpetrator response in WA and is the leading independent body for delivering family and domestic violence training. You will not only be engaging a training provider but an organisation that can partner with you to work with you through any questions, implementation, application of best practices, and ongoing improvements. We can work with you on, improving workplace culture and creating awareness right through to tailored comprehensive family and domestic violence-informed front-line service responses and working with intersecting issues.

To change our horrifically high rates of family and domestic violence in WA we need to deal with this problem holistically. Even if your work never directly focuses on working perpetrators or victims you can still have an impact by better understanding family and domestic violence, improving culture, being able to help someone impacted by family and domestic violence, and challenging harmful stereotypes that condone violence. For those that are working in front-line roles in family and domestic violence, SFV has unmatched experience and reputation to support the implementation and embedding of best practices through practical skills and documentation.

Our trainers have worked across family, domestic and sexual violence, mental health, alcohol and other drugs, courts, prisons, corrections, hospitals, health & wellbeing services, disability services, counselling, violent offenders’ programs, therapeutic services, men’s behaviour change programs, children and adolescents programs and behaviour change, as well as working with families experiencing violence and countless years of combined experience working directly with perpetrators of violence. SFV has trained people from all kinds of sectors in a vast number of roles in the community, sports clubs, workplaces, intersecting services, first responders and specialist services. We work with those who want to know more about the issue right through to specialist training developed specifically for those working in front-line roles in family and domestic violence.

Our family and domestic violence training events range from one-hour workshops right through to comprehensive five-day packages. We can work with organisations to create safer more informed workplaces with an understanding of improving culture and understanding the impacts of family, domestic and sexual violence through to highly specialised training for front-line providers. SFV has strong partnerships across the sector which allow us to deliver a diverse range of training with local expertise and knowledge. Given the high rates of family and domestic violence, anyone who works with or interacts with people can benefit from training in family and domestic violence due to its prevalence in all settings.

Our training approach and services are always holistic with children’s and young people’s voices and needs as a priority, a strong focus on partnering with the victim-survivor using strengths-based practice, and never losing sight of the cause of the harm. We also work across intersects such as AOD, mental health and homelessness as these issues often result from or co-occur with violence. Ultimately perpetration of violence is the problem we must solve if we are to end family and domestic violence. Even if you never work with a perpetrator, having a holistic training approach helps with fully understanding the problem and how we have the ability to work together towards a future free of family and domestic violence.

It is important to choose a reputable and highly experienced training provider so you have the best training experience as well as ongoing support on your learning journey. Since 2016 Stopping Family Violence has delivered over 2500 hours to over 3000 participants. In 2022 alone SFV delivered 537 hours of training to over 700 people. Our team are the most experienced facilitators in WA for Safe & Together training and Caring Dads facilitator training. Stopping Family Violence has successfully delivered over 1,700 hours of training to over 1,600 participants in CORE and Supervisors, Safe & Together training over 6 years.

When you choose to train with SFV you are not only choosing a trusted and respected peak, but you will also have support beyond the training event, with ongoing implementation for improving systems, services, and practice in Western Australia. Come and join us for our next training event or call us to discuss your training needs.

SFV Training

Stopping Family Violence can organise everything for your next training event including venue and catering or we can facilitate the training at your workplace.

Please see below for our available training packages and do not hesitate to contact us about your training needs

Family, Domestic, and Sexual Violence Training Series 2023

SFV Introductory Training

Stopping Family Violence Awareness Training

1 hour - 2.5 hours
This an opportunity to learn more about family and domestic violence and its impact in your workplace, club, school or community. Learn how to foster healthy, happy relationships and challenge problematic thinking, opinions, and behaviours.

Applying a Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Lens

1 Day
Unpacking coercive control and domestic violence tactics, understanding perpetrator patterns and victim, adult and child survivor strengths. An introduction to safe referrals and documentation.
Click Here

Best Practice in Frontline & Intersecting Professions

1 Day
Working with families on the front line or in intersecting professions with a family and domestic violence lens. Unpacking coercive control and domestic violence tactics, understanding perpetrator patterns as well as practising by default with an adult and child victim-survivor strengths approach. An introduction to safe referrals and documentation.
Click Here

Workplace Culture and Gender Equity in the Workplace

1 Day
Reviewing culture and workplace practices in line with new legislation for family and domestic violence leave. Unpacking how gender and family and domestic violence is affecting your workplace and creating safe workplaces

SFV Secondary Training

SFV Supervision Service

1 hour
Following training, we recommend ongoing supervision with an SFV supervisor to provide support in your work, support ongoing professional development and promote opportunities for best practice.

Perpetrator Pattern, Adult & Child Strengths-Based Practice

1 Day
How to identify and challenge unhealthy opinions, attitudes and behaviours. Learn how to map a perpetrator's pattern and document it, even if you never have contact with the perpetrator. Gain an understanding of the impact on child and family functioning. Learn how to safely partner with the victim-survivor with a brief introduction to safety planning.

Working with Those Who Use Violence

1 Day
Given the high prevalence of family, domestic and sexual violence it is highly likely you will come across (or regularly interact with) someone who perpetrates violence. Learn how to identify and safely challenge problematic behaviours and opinions and understand when to intervene.
Click Here

Referrals, Silos, Documentation, Mapping & Confidentiality

1 Day
Services often work in silos, we can learn how to better work together for the benefit of those impacted by family, domestic and sexual violence. Learn the importance of quality referrals, mapping, documentation, and confidentiality.

Intersecting Issues Mental Health, AOD and Homeless

1 Day
Family, domestic, and sexual violence impacts all areas of someone’s life. Understand how family, domestic, and sexual violence can cause or exacerbate the risk of intersecting issues.

Introduction to Dynamic Risk & Assessments

1 Day
Working with adult and child victim-survivors and perpetrators the risk is always dynamic. Learn how to assess dynamic risk whilst identifying safety mechanisms and escalation planning.

SFV Tailored Packages

Tailored 2-Day Packages for FDV Services

2 Days
FDSV lens, perpetrator pattern & strengths-based, & documentation.For more information contact SFV on 08 93550234 or email at

Tailored 3-Day Packages for FDV Services

3 Days
FDSV lens, perpetrator pattern & strengths-based, & documentation.For more information contact SFV on 08 93550234 or email at

Tailored 4-Day Package for FDV Services

4 Days
FDSV lens, perpetrator pattern & strengths-based, & documentation.For more information contact SFV on 08 93550234 or email at

Tailored 5-Day Packages for FDV Services

5 Days
FDSV lens, perpetrator pattern & strengths-based, & documentation.For more information contact SFV on 08 93550234 or email at

SFV has specific packages developed for AOD, Mental Health, Police, Child Protection, Housing, Legal Services Justice & Health. 

Caring Dads Facilitators Training

2 Days
Become an accredited Caring Dads Facilitator with SFV. This model is focused on the safety and well-being of some of our communities most vulnerable children, through working with fathers who have been abusive, neglectful or violent in their families. Caring Dads is a 17-week group intervention for men, that uses outreach and coordinated case management

Safe & Together CORE Training

4 Days
Safe & Together Institute’s CORE Training is designed to provide a skills-oriented foundation for domestic violence-informed practice. Our team are the most experienced facilitators in Western Australia in this model and can apply place-based local knowledge and application of the model in the Western Australian context.

SFV Advanced Packages

MBCP Practitioners Training

1 Day
This training is specifically for Men’s Behaviour Change Practitioners and will specifically work with them on best practices as well as overcoming challenges in their work. .

Information Sharing & Risk Assessment Specialist Services

1 Day
Working with those who use violence and those experiencing FDSV requires an advanced understanding of risk and information sharing. Learn the importance of risk assessment and information sharing and the value of connecting with other services in this work.

SFV Working with Children & Young People

Supporting children and young people's healthy behaviours

Half Day
A workshop for educators and coaches (or anyone who has an influence) in children and young people's lives on how to help support and promote healthy behaviours and attitudes.

Schools Workshops

1-Hour Workshop (8-10 modules)
A series of 1-hour workshops that help children and young people to understand healthy and unhealthy behaviours and attitudes. Learning what they can do to support each other for healthier more equal relationships. (runs over two school terms)

Safe & Together Supervisors Training

2-3 Days
Supervising workers in a domestic violence–related practice is one way to make sure employees have the support and guidance they need when working with adult and child survivors, intervening with perpetrators, and managing safety for themselves and the family. Our team are the most experienced facilitators in Western Australia in this model and can apply place-based local knowledge and application of the model in the Western Australian context.

Stopping Family Violence is committed to bring training and events to the WA community which supports workforce development and an increased awareness of Family and Domestic Violence.