Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence: Best Practice in Frontline & Intersecting Roles

Stopping Family Violence has designed this training to build on the foundational knowledge delivered in the ‘Applying a Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Lens’ session. It is ideal for both frontline practitioners, where the client base is specifically people experiencing or using FDSV, and intersecting practitioners, those working in fields where it is very common that the client’s presenting concern will intersect with experiences or use of FDSV, including:

  • Alcohol and other drug services
  • Child protection
  • Corrections (both community corrections and prison-based roles)
  • Court-based personnel
  • Disability support
  • Family law system practitioners
  • Family services
  • Financial counsellors, including those focusing on gambling harm
  • Generalist counselling/community-based support services
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Legal practitioners
  • Mental health
  • Migrant health/support and settlement services
  • Police
  • Primary health care

The training, delivered over one day, is skills-based and will support you in further developing your FDSV-informed practice. The session is interactive, with plenty of opportunities for discussion to maximise your learning experience. Topics covered include:

A refresher on the drivers of FDSV
Extending your FDSV lens to take an intersectional approach
Practical tools and skills to identify and map perpetrator patterns, and to recognise and honour victim, adult and child survivor strengths
What do I do next? An in-depth look at how to make safe referrals, create FDSV-informed documentation and support integrated responses
Whilst specialist FDSV response providers will always play a central role in responding to FDSV, we know that, with the right support, training and information, a broad range of workforces and services can contribute and help by understanding how to recognise and respond safely. FDSV is preventable and we can all contribute to a future free of FDSV.

SFV take care to ensure our training workshops are safe and respectful spaces however, at times the content may be confronting or distressing and may bring up unexpected thoughts and feelings. We encourage well-being as a priority and will talk through self-care early in the day.

Thank you for your interest in our training event. If we can provide you with any more information, please do not hesitate to reach out by email at or phone at 08 9355 0234. If you would like to know about Stopping Family Violence and our expertise in training in family, domestic and sexual violence, please visit

If you are interested in our future events or would like to know more about our custom training that can be delivered in your workplace, please don’t hesitate to contact us, see our website and sign up for our newsletter. We thank you for your interest in this training and look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon.