SFV Update – NOSPI

Since completing the Project Plan for the WA Implementation of the NOSPI, SFV have continued to consult and maintain relationships with key stakeholders such as targeted perpetrator interventions (such as Dept of Communities (Child Protection), Dept of Justice, Police etc) secondary perpetrator interventions (such as AOD, Health, not for profit organisations, CaLD agencies, community law centres etc), and women’s and children’s services that support victims of F&DV. This is an important part of SFV work as the following items were highlighted in the Project Plan and SFV continue to consult widely and focus on the main gaps in perpetrator response work.

  • The need for an increased awareness across agencies around the NOSPI themselves but also about the availability and accessibility of MBCPs.
  • The need for a continual improvement of positive working relationships across agencies.
  • Training for staff in both targeted and non-targeted perpetrator interventions.
  • Improved assessment of risk for both harm to the victim and potential harm from the perpetrator.
  • Improved data collection systems and training for service providers.

SFV continues to work on the 12 month Implementation Plan to support the implementation of the Practice Standards for Perpetrator Intervention: Engaging and Responding to Men who are Perpetrators of F&DV. This work has involved a number of individual consultations with MBCP providers with a focus on alignment with the Practice Standards. SFV would like to thank service providers for engaging in the process. Overall feedback has been positive in regards to improving practice and closing gaps in perpetrator response work.